
We provide the following services in support of your WaterSilo project:

Complementary Planning Services

  1. Concept design including WaterSilo system layout and sizing 
  2. Installation cost estimate and schedule
  3. Review of LID (Low Impact Development) Plans for compliance with stormwater management and discharge regulations

Design Build Services

  1. Confirmation of stormwater mitigation volume
  2. Preparation of of LID Plans
  3. Assistance with stormwater LID permitting
  4. Preparation of plans, specifications, and firm cost for the WaterSilo system etc.
  5. General contracting for WaterSilo installation 

Intellectual Property (IP) Disclosure

WaterSilo is a proprietary patented stormwater management technology of SEITec, a California registered Professional Engineering and Class-A licensed Construction Company. SEITec provides all services for WaterSilo systems.