Vertical Underground Water Storage and Infiltration
WaterSilo is a vertical, large-diameter, underground vessel (silo) for stormwater storage (Cistern) and detention-infiltration (Drywell and Infiltration Basin) installed using a number of priprietary technologies. WalterSilos range in diameter from 12 to 30 feet and storage/detention capacity from 2,500 to 150,000 gallons.
WaterSilos have a small footprint that fit in residential front yards, public right of ways, and street medians. They can interconnect and cluster in flexible arrangements to provide the required capcity. Multiple WaterSilo clusters can be installed in urban watersheds to capture runoff and create a self-sustaining stormwater conservation infrastructure.
- 14-ft Diam., 20-ft Deep drilled shaft.
- 14-ft Diam., 30-ft Deep drilled shaft.
- WaterSilo tank gradually lowered in vertical shaft
- Installed tank and lid
- Concrete caissons
- Caisson "Sinking"
- Installed caissons
- Detention Drywell
WaterSilo Technologies include vertical shaft drilling, caisson sinking, caisson stacking, and insitu casting ("InsituCast").
Vertical shaft drilling technolgoy is an excavation method with a long track record of use for bridge piers, tunneling, and ventilation shafts. The technology is used with our drilled shaft cisterns and for caisson stacking.
Caisson sinking technology is a shored excavation technique that does not remove lateral support from adjacent buildings and property and can thus be executed close to existing structures and in public roads.
Our "InsituCast" technolgoy is a proprietary excavation technique that concrete-casts the circular shoring for the excavation onsite using a rapid, minimally invasive procedure. The shoring is a permanent feature that also serves as the structural wall of the WaterSilo.
WaterSilo Drilled Shaft Cisterns utilize the vertical shaft drilling technolgy and incorporate Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Tanks for 100% water tightness. They have a storage capacity of more than 30,000 gallons each, with a depth of more than 40 ft.
WaterSilo Caisson Cisterns utilize the caisson sinking technolgy and incorporate flexible PVC liner for 100% water tightness. They have a storage capacity of more than 30,000 gallons each, with a depth of more than 30 ft.
WaterSilo Detention Drywells utilize either caisson sinking or stacking technologies. The caissons have weep holes to utilize the WaterSilo shaft surface area for infiltration and thus increase infiltartion rate. These drywells may be configured with a deep 8-ft diameter gravel-filled shaft at the bottom to increase infiltration rate depending on requirements.
WaterSilo InsituCast Cisterns have diameters ranging from 16 to 30 feet, storage depth of up to 30 feet, and maximum capacity of 150,000 gallons. They use flexible PVC liner for 100% water tightness. Alternatively the can use additives in the concrete plus joint sealant to ensure water tightness.
WaterSilo Infiltration Basins use our "InsituCast" technology have diameters ranging from 16 to 30 feet, detention depth of up to 30 feet, and maximum capacity of 150,000 gallons. They also incorporate weep holes to ultilize the perimeter surface area for infiltration and have a gravel bed bottom with no infiltration shaft.